PDF documents into German

by Evan Duke 1 week, 4 days ago

Hi everyone! I have a question about translating PDF documents into German using Translate. I was looking for a service that could translate my study material quickly and efficiently, but I'm not sure if this option is the best. Have any of you already used their services? What are your impressions? I'm especially interested in how they handle complex terms and text formatting. Thanks!!!

Tobias Dorian 1 week, 3 days ago

I've used Translate to translate german to english pdf, and frankly, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, they do process files quite quickly, and I've gotten a translation that can be considered acceptable for general understanding. But on the other hand, when it comes to specific terminology, especially in the field of technical texts or scientific articles, the results can be quite different. For example, one time I was translating an engineering-related document and noticed that some terms were simply translated head-on, without considering the context, which can be misleading. I realized that in such cases, it's best to check the translation yourself or use a professional translator. As for the formatting, it was kept pretty well, but sometimes I still had to correct the text manually to make it look neat. Also, I noticed that Translate sometimes doesn't recognize some special characters and images, which can cause confusion in the document. So if you have text where every detail is important, it might be worth considering alternatives. I've heard of a few other services that work with PDFs and provide better translations, but it already depends on your budget and your needs. In any case, if you need something translated into German, I recommend always checking the final result and finalizing it if necessary. I hope this helps!

Thukk Serien 1 week, 3 days ago

I too have used Translate to translate PDF documents and had similar experiences. It's important to remember that automatic translation can never replace professional translation. If someone needs something serious, for example for work or study, it is best to spend some time and make sure that the translation is really accurate.