Energy Resource - Lesson 1 : Energy Use in Michigan - Then and Now

Grade 6-7 Science:

• Generate scientific questions based on observations, investigations and research. S.IP.06.11, S.IP.07.11

• Identify patterns in data. S.IP.06.16, S.IP.07.16

• Analyze information from data tables and graphs to answer scientific questions. S.IA.06.11, S.IA.07.11

Social Studies:

• Explain that communities are affected positively or negatively by changes in technology. 6 – G2.2.2, 7 – G2.2.2

• Understand the scientific method of inquiry to investigate social scientific and historical problems. P2.1

• Read and interpret data in tables and graph. P2.2

• Explain the changes over the past 50 years in the use, distribution, and importance of natural resources on human life, settlement, and interactions by describing and evaluating. WHG CG2

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