Energy Lesson 8 : Leaving Smaller Footprints

Students will be able to:

1. Use ecological footprint calculators to assess and compare their impact on the environment to that of their classmates, and the average person in the United States, other countries, and the world.

2. Describe ways to reduce their energy and resource consumption and impact on the environment.

Michigan Grade Level Content


Grade 6-7 Science:

• Generate scientific questions based on observations, investigations, and research. S.IP.06.11, S.IP.07.11

• Use tools and equipment appropriate to scientific investigations S.IP.06.13,.IP.07.13

• Analyze information from data tables and graphs to answer scientific questions. S.IA.06.11, S.IA.07.11

• Describe the effect humans and other organisms have on the balance of the natural world. S.RS.06.18, S.RS.07.18

HS Earth Science:

• Identify and critique arguments about personal or scientific issues based on scientific evidence. E1.2B

• Analyze how science and society interact from a historical, political, economic, or social perspective. E1.2k

• Examine the negative impact of human activities. B3.4C

Social Studies:

• Describe the environmental effects of human action on the atmosphere, biosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. 6 – G5.1.1, 7 – G5.1.1

• Engage in activities intended to contribute to solving a national or international problem. 6 – P4.2.2, 7 – P4.2.2, 8 – P4.2.2

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