Climate Change Lesson 6 : Evidence of Change
Students graph atmospheric carbon dioxide, emissions of carbon dioxide, and temperature throughout the years and compare the trends.
Students will answer these essential questions:
How are atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature related, and what is the predicted global temperature increase in 2100?
What other evidence suggests climate change?
Subject/Target Grade
Science and Social Studies/Middle School and High School
One to two 45-50 minute periods – Classroom setting
From MEECS Climate Change Resource DVD
• Temperature Puzzle (MP4 Video 5:40 minutes)
• Evidence of Change (PowerPoint)
Per class
• Evidence of Change Data (transparency master)
• Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide (transparency master)
per student
• Graphing Temperature and Carbon Dioxide in the 20th century (student activity)
• Graphing Temperature and Carbon Dioxide over the last 450,000 years (student activity)