Land Use Lesson 3 : Classifying Land Use
Students will be able to:
1. Describe the major land uses in Michigan.
2. Convert the data in a table to a measuring stick for comparing land uses.
3. Describe the patterns of major land uses in Michigan.
4. Describe land ownership in Michigan and its significance.
Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations
• Generate questions about the world based on observation. S.IP.04.11; S.IP.04.12
• Describe major features of the earth’s surface. SS 4–G1.0.5; SS 4–G2.0.2
• Describe the location, use, and importance of different kinds of resources and explain how they are created and the consequences of their use. SS 4–H3.0.3; SS 4–E2.0.1
• Organize social science information to make maps, graphs, and tables. SS 4–G1.0.3