Ecosystems and Biodiversity Lesson 1 : Ecosystem Basics

1. Ecosystem Scavenger Hunt (included following this lesson). Students take a short field trip into the schoolyard for a scavenger hunt to find real-life examples of ecosystem components. This activity can be used as an informal assessment for Lesson 1.

2. Wildlife Habitat Riddles (included following this lesson). Students read a series of riddles depicting the habitat requirements for specific Michigan wildlife species. Students identify the animal as well as which of the MDNR ecosystem poster(s) potentially offer(s) appropriate habitat to that species.

3. Observing Schoolyard Ecosystems (on the MEECS Ecosystems & Biodiversity CD). Students go outside to observe and sketch or photograph the communities of plants and animals they discover within mini-ecosystems. Students also record data about the abiotic components of the mini-ecosystem. To observe changes over time, students should repeat the same activity (in same location) several times over the course of the school year.

4. Mini-Ecosystem Terrarium/Aquarium Project. See Additional Resource section for reference materials showing how to build and care for model ecosystems, such as terrariums and/or aquariums.

5. Classroom Ecosystem Mural Project. Have students create one or more ecosystem murals (forest, pond, etc.) in the classroom. The mural(s) can be added to throughout the unit, providing a visual representation of changes in student understanding. Teachers can document growth of understanding by taking pictures as the murals change through the course of the unit.

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