This flawed reasoning task addresses misconceptions with determining area.
- Subject:
- Mathematics
- Measurement and Data
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Assessment
- Homework/Assignment
- Author:
- Linda Schoenbrodt
- Lisa Adkins
- MSDE Admin
- Date Added:
- 08/04/2020
This flawed reasoning task addresses misconceptions with determining area.
This task requires students to find the area of a rectilinear figure and model their thinking through multiple equations. This task relates to the Common Core State Standards: 3.MD.C.7d and 3.OA.D.8.
This task gives students the opportunity to analyze two number lines in order to identify the one that correctly shows an improper fraction. Students then communicate their understanding by describing the reasoning they used to determine their answer was correct. It is aligned to evidence statement 3.C.6-1
Fraction_Number_Lines.JPGTwo number lines are shown. The first number line shows the numbers 0 through 3 and is partitioned into 6 equal parts in each whole.
The second number line shows the numbers 0 through 3 and is partitioned into 8 equal parts in each whole.
one_half.PNGThis image shows a number line with the intervals zero through four marked. One-half is marked between the zero and one.
This number line task has students reason about which fractional distance is farther.
This task gives students the opportunity to reason about equivalent fractions. Students use images to develop an accurate claim and describe their thinking through reasoning.
This task gives students the opportunity to reason about equivalent fractions. Students use images to develop an accurate claim and describe their thinking through reasoning.
This task provides students practice with flawed reasoning using fraction comparisons.
This flawed reasoning task provides practice for students to understand the size of the wholes must be equal in order to compare fractions.
This resource houses links to a variety of sample math tasks aligned to the Common Core standard. Sources may include but are not limited to: Illustrative Mathematics, PARCC, Khan Academy, and the Illinois State Board of Education.
This task is focused on Common Core Standards 3.OA.3 Students are applying understanding of multiplication concepts to solve a multi-step word problem related to a real life context. This is a good beginning task to help students show all their work using equations to represent the solution path for the task. It also helps students focus on precision as they need to represent the problem with the correct equations.
This task is focused on Common Core Standards 3.OA.3 Students are applying understanding of multiplication concepts to solve a multi-step word problem related to a real life context. This is a good beginning task to help students show all their work using equations to represent the solution path for the task. It also helps students focus on precision as they need to represent the problem with the correct equations.
This task provides students the opportunity to identify a mistake in reasoning related to the relationship between multiplication and division.
This task provides students practice with modeling.
This task provides students practice with modeling.
This task provides students practice with modeling.
This task provides students with practice modeling.
This chain of reasoning task address 3.OA.8
This task has student solve a two step word problem involving addition and division. Students identify flawed reasoning and provide a correct answer and explanation.