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  • Learning Games Lab
Pearl Diver
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Pearl Diver is a fun, interactive web-based game and app for iPad and iPhone. Players learn the number line while diving for pearls amidst shipwrecks and sunken ruins. This learning game addresses standard mathematic concepts included in the current Common Core curriculum such as:
-understanding numbers, ways of representing numbers, and number systems
-understanding and representing commonly used fractions
-understanding fractions as part of unit wholes and as locations on number lines
-comparing and ordering fractions, and finding their approximate locations on the number line
Pearl Diver is supported by supplementary materials including teacher’s guide, learner’s guide, “Teaching With Pearl Diver” video, and printable resources. It is available in English and Spanish. This game is available free on the Apple App Store.
This project was sponsored by NSF and developed by the Learning Games Lab in collaboration with researchers and mathematicians in the College of Education and College of Arts and Sciences at New Mexico State University.

Press Release Links:

Pearl Diver ACE award

Funding for Math Snacks (includes image of Pearl Diver)

Links to scholarly publications:

Trespalacios, J., & Chamberlin, B. (2012). Pearl Diver: Identifying numbers on a number line. Teaching Children’s Mathematics, 18, 446-447.

Material Type:
Learning Games Lab
NMSU Learning Games Lab
Date Added: