Energy Lesson 2 : Michigan's Energy Resource Mix

Coal Fields of the Conterminous United States is a U.S. Geological Survey map of coal fields in the 48 conterminous states, color coded by type of coal. Additional maps and charts show coal production by state and by year, sulfur and energy content by region, and additional information. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from

EIA, the Energy Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy, has a very useful website with an interactive map and links to pages that summarize energy production and consumption for every state. Students, working individually or in groups, could “adopt” several states and make a poster comparing residential, industrial, and transportation energy use in them. Students could speculate about the influence of size, climate, and population density on energy use. Retrieved October 20, 2010 from

Energy Quest is the California Energy Commission’s award-winning energy education web site, which debuted during National Energy Awareness Month in October 1995. This updated site encourages youth to learn about new ways to produce energy and to use less energy. Retrieved July 11, 2018, from

Michigan Oil and Gas Wells Map from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Spatial Data Library shows locations of oil, gas, injection, and diagonal wells, plus dry holes in Michigan. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from

Michigan Pipeline Maps, a page on the Michigan Public Service Commission’s web site about natural gas, links to maps showing major gas pipelines and storage fields, color coded by pipeline operator, and the service areas for gas utilities throughout Michigan. Retrieved July 11, 2018, from,4639,7-159-16385-412979--,00.html

NaturalGas, the Natural Gas Supply Association’s educational web site, covers a variety of topics related to the natural gas industry. Its purposes are to provide visitors with a comprehensive information source for topics related to natural gas and present an unbiased learning tool for students, teachers, industry, media, and government. Retrieved October 20, 2010, from

Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline and Storage Field Map is a presentation version of the gas pipeline and storage field map described above. Retrieved July 11, 2018 from,4639,7-159-16385-413020--,00.html

Petroleum Product Pipelines in Michigan is a map on the Michigan Public Service Commission’s web site showing locations of petroleum pipelines, refineries, and marine terminals in Michigan. Retrieved July 11, 2018, from,4639,7-159-16385-412979--,00.html

U.S. Energy System is a two-page Center for Sustainable Systems fact sheet with trends in U.S. energy system supply and demand; environmental impacts, and recommended solutions and sustainable alternatives. Center for Sustainable Systems. (2001). CSS Factsheets. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan. Retrieved July 11, 2018, from U.S._Energy_System_Factsheet_CSS03-11_e2017.pdf

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