Climate Change Lesson 13 : Community Conversation

1. Have students play The Global Climate Game, found on the MEECS Climate Change Resource DVD.

2. Host a large community conversation using one of the formats and welcoming community members to join a discussion about climate change and their community with students serving as moderators.

3. In 2010, Carsey Institute researchers began including three new questions about climate change on a series of regional surveys. Researchers asked how much people understand about the issue of global warming or climate change; whether they think that most scientists agree that climate change is happening now as a result of human activities; and what they believe personally about the topic. Read the answers to these questions and discuss the implications. The Carsey Report is found on the MEECS Climate Change Resource DVD.

4. Have students explore the relationship between sustainability and climate change. Find out what attention companies in Michigan are giving to these issues.

5. Have students research what communities are doing about sustainability and climate change. East Lansing and Ann Arbor are examples of cities addressing these issues

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