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EL Education

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Using Data: Using Student Work as Data
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Student work is one of the concrete definitive measures of student achievement that teachers have at their fingertips every day. Whether teachers use this work as a formative assessment to determine their own instructional next step or whether they use it to work with their students to analyze progress and set goals, student work can be a valuable data point.

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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Using Student Evidence in Coaching
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Instructional coaching always involves the collection of data coupled with focused, descriptive, non-evaluative feedback. These data are specific to the teacher’s goal for the coaching cycle and incorporates the coach’s observations and analytic feedback about instructional practice and student learning and engagement. The aim is to use data as a mirror or lens through which the teacher can see his or her practice more clearly.

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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Water Quality and the Future Use of Loon Pond: Illuminating Standards Video Series
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The Springfield Renaissance School is a unique public district school in urban Springfield, MA. In a district struggling to develop schools that achieve meaningful student outcomes, Springfield Renaissance uses a focus on project-based learning to bring relevance and rigor to daily learning tasks. This effort started in the very first year of the school’s existence when Aurora Kushner brought a project of major local significance to her students. Students conducted a full, professional water quality assessment on Loon Pond to determine if it was safe to be opened as a public recreation area. In addition to learning how to conduct scientific field work, students gained a deep understanding of environmental science standards, scientific reading and writing standards, and what it means to provide an important service for their community.

Social Science
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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The What, Why and How of Protocols
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A protocol consists of agreed upon guidelines for reading, recording, discussing, or reporting that ensure equal participation and accountability. When everyone understands and agrees to using the procedures of the protocol, participants are able to work more effectively both independently and collaboratively, often in ways they are not in the habit of doing. Protocols hold each student accountable and responsible for learning. They teach students how to lead their own learning.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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What's Out There?: Illuminating Standards Video Series
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Fourth grade students in Boston, MA created and published a true or false book about the universe after choosing, researching, and creating illustrations on self-selected topics in astronomy. This film features interviews with the teacher and with former students reflecting on their learning and their process. It focuses on the importance of cultivating curiosity in students.

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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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What's Up (Frequently Asked Questions About Space, By Kids, For Kids): Illuminating Standards Video Series
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We invite you to watch these films and we encourage you to use them as the catalyst for discussions with your colleagues about the relationship between your commitment to meet demanding state standards and approaches to designing powerful learning experiences for our students.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Why a Structured Phonics Program Is Effective
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A structured phonics approach is foundational to the design of EL Education's K-2 Curriculum. This document, written by David Liben of SAP (Student Achievement Partners), address the question on every primary teacher's mind-- how will I teach my kids to read? Liben focuses on the types of texts used in structured phonics programs compared to other programs, why a structured phonics approach works so well, some potential pitfalls in using these programs, how these pitfalls can be avoided, and different approaches that some structured phonics programs have adopted to do this.

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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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The Wolf That Would Forgive: Illuminating Standards Video Series
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Eighth grade students in Greenfield, MA created a book for younger students featuring original fables accompanied by cut-block print illustrations. The students studied the genre of fables; wrote personal narratives to surface issues in their own lives; created animal protagonists and stories to embed those issues in fables with helpful morals. This video features an interview with the teacher, discussing the process of learning, drafting and critique. It celebrates how academic standards and skills can be built from work that is deeply artistic connects the heart to learning.

English Language Arts
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Writing Rubrics: Grade 1
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EL Education created these K-5 rubrics based on an analysis of the grade-level demands of the CCSS, rubrics used by PARCC and Smarter Balanced, and EL Education's own professional expertise (including attention to the Writing for Understanding framework). The downloads for grades 3-5 includes Writing Rubrics, Informal Checklists, and the Phonics and Word Recognition Checklist.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Writing Rubrics: Grade K
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EL Education created these K-5 rubrics based on an analysis of the grade-level demands of the CCSS, rubrics used by PARCC and Smarter Balanced, and EL Education's own professional expertise (including attention to the Writing for Understanding framework). The downloads for grades 3-5 includes Writing Rubrics, Informal Checklists, and the Phonics and Word Recognition Checklist.

English Language Arts
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Writing Rubrics and Checklists: Grade 2
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EL Education created these K-5 rubrics based on an analysis of the grade-level demands of the CCSS, rubrics used by PARCC and Smarter Balanced, and EL Education's own professional expertise (including attention to the Writing for Understanding framework). The downloads for grades 3-5 includes Writing Rubrics, Informal Checklists, and the Phonics and Word Recognition Checklist.

English Language Arts
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Writing Rubrics and Checklists: Grade 3
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EL Education created these K-5 rubrics based on an analysis of the grade-level demands of the CCSS, rubrics used by PARCC and Smarter Balanced, and EL Education's own professional expertise (including attention to the Writing for Understanding framework). The downloads for grades 3-5 includes Writing Rubrics, Informal Checklists, and the Phonics and Word Recognition Checklist.

English Language Arts
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Writing Rubrics and Checklists: Grade 4
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EL Education created these K-5 rubrics based on an analysis of the grade-level demands of the CCSS, rubrics used by PARCC and Smarter Balanced, and EL Education's own professional expertise (including attention to the Writing for Understanding framework). The downloads for grades 3-5 includes Writing Rubrics, Informal Checklists, and the Phonics and Word Recognition Checklist.

English Language Arts
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Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Writing Rubrics and Checklists: Grade 5
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EL Education created these K-5 rubrics based on an analysis of the grade-level demands of the CCSS, rubrics used by PARCC and Smarter Balanced, and EL Education's own professional expertise (including attention to the Writing for Understanding framework). The downloads for grades 3-5 includes Writing Rubrics, Informal Checklists, and the Phonics and Word Recognition Checklist.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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You Grotto Go to Hemlock Gorge: Illuminating Standards Video Series
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Sixth grade students in Boston, MA created a geology book for young readers with a unique format: it is written as a graphic informational book, similar to the graphic novels that students enjoy.  During a four-month investigation, the students explored a nearby geological feature, Hemlock Gorge, in order to understand geological processes. This film features interviews with the teacher and former students, and poses the question of what understanding actually looks like, and how students can demonstrate it. Illuminates Massachusetts Science Standard: Earth’s History: "Describe and give examples of ways in which the earth’s surface is built up and torn down by natural processes, including deposition of sediments, rock formation, erosion, and weathering."

Physical Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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Your Curriculum Companion
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This essential guide to the EL Education K–5 Language Arts Curriculum is one part roadmap to the curriculum, one part orientation to its instructional practices, and one part coach—to answer your questions, relieve your stress, and put you and your students on the path to success.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
EL Education
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