Climate Change Lesson 8 : Climate Change Indicators

Students synthesize evidence about climate change, specifically in the Great Lakes region, and explore its potential impacts.

Students will answer these essential questions:

What are some indicators of climate change?

What are the expected regional impacts?

Subject/Target Grade

Science and Social Studies/Middle School and High School


Two 45-50 minute periods – Classroom setting


From MEECS Climate Change Resource DVD

Climate Change Indicators Instructional PowerPoint

Download: Climate_Change_Indicators_PowerPoint.pptx

Climate Change in the Great Lakes video, script, and time-summary 

Download: Climate_Change_in_the_Great_Lakes_Time_Sequence_Outline.docx

Climate Change

Download: Climate_Change_in_Great_Lakes_Script.doc

per class

Summary of video series from NASA (teacher resource) 

Download: Summary_of_Video_Series_from_NASA_Teacher_Resource.pdf

Describing Trends and Writing Hypotheses About Causes (possible answers) 

Download: Environmental_Trends_and_Hypotheses_About_Causes_-_Possible_Answers_Answer_Key.pdf

Climate Indicators for Michigan (answer key) 

Download: Climate_Indicators_for_Michigan_Answer_Key.pdf

Potential Climate Change Impacts (transparency master) 

Download: Potential_Climate_Change_Impacts_Student_Resource_Transparency_Master.pdf

per student

Climate Indicators in Michigan (student activity) 

Download: Climate_Indicators_for_Michigan_Student_Activity.pdf

Potential Climate Change Impacts (student resource) 

Download: Potential_Climate_Change_Impacts_Student_Resource_Transparency_Master_8ketn1V.pdf

Describing Trends and Writing Hypotheses About Causes (student activity set) 

Download: Describing_Trends_and_Writing_Hypotheses_About_Causes_Case_1.pdf

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