Climate Change Lesson 12 : What Can I Do?

Students will review potential impacts of climate change on Michigan and determine both adaptive and individual mitigation strategies. Through an optional service learning project, they will get the word out about climate change and that actions can be taken to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

Students will answer these essential questions:

What can be done to help mitigate climate change?

What can one person do?

Subject/Target Grade

Science and Social Studies/ Middle School and High School


Two 45-50 minute periods – Classroom setting, School grounds


From MEECS Climate Change Resource DVD

What Can I Do Instructional PowerPoint 

Download: What_Can_I_Do_PowerPoint_qzfpu95.pptx

per class

Six Reasons Why We Should Prepare for Climate Change in Michigan (transparency master or PowerPoint slides 4-6) 

Download: Six_Reasons_Why_We_Should_Prepare_for_Climate_Change_in_Michigan_Transparency_Master_Of4OXaV.pdf

Michigan’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector (transparency master) 

Download: Michigan_Greenhouse_Gases_Transparency_Master_vsiubAB.pdf

Guiding Principle for Informed Climate Decisions (teacher resource) 

Download: Guiding_Principle_for_Informed_Climate_Decisions_Teacher_Resource_qx3hxMY.pdf

• For Optional Service Learning Activity:

Template for DOT Tree Leaves (teacher resource) 

Download: Template_for_DOT_Tree_Leaves_Teacher_Resource_PSCliQv.pdf

– Poster board or other materials you choose to make available for students to create education materials.

– Materials for making a display for ‘Do One Thing’ commitments (Example: tree branches to assemble a tree of DOTS, large public iceberg display with goal markers, etc.)

– Paper (recycled) or access to computer spreadsheet for recording a school’s DOTS.

– Access to a computer with internet to register your DOT project (not required).

per group

Climate Change Review student activity 

Download: Climate_Change_Review_Student_Activity_O3eJQNq.pdf

• Optional Service Learning Activity:

Education Campaign Preparation (student activity) 

Download: Education_Campaign_Preparation_Student_activity_zLvgKss.pdf

Campaign Follow-Up (student activity) 

Download: Campaign_Follow-up_Student_Activity_F6WvVCB.pdf

per student

Adaptation or Mitigation (student activity) 

Download: Adaptation_or_Mitigation_Student_Activity_W6ojQRk.pdf

Climate Change Check Sheet (student resource) 

Download: Climate_Change_Check_Sheet_Student_Resource_rWLhKGo.pdf

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