This Nrich low threshold high ceiling task is accessible to everyone. It …
This Nrich low threshold high ceiling task is accessible to everyone. It gives children the chance to share the way they picture (visualize) numbers and their methods of counting. One of the key features of this task is that it can be interpreted differently, depending on the image, so that children can decide for themselves whether they are counting individual fruit, cartons of fruit... Therefore there may also be an opportunity for children to develop their estimation skills as well as appreciating different ways of counting.
The Illustrative Mathematics Project provides guidance to states, assessment consortia, testing companies, …
The Illustrative Mathematics Project provides guidance to states, assessment consortia, testing companies, and curriculum developers by illustrating the range and types of mathematical work that students will experience in a faithful implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and by publishing other tools that support implementation of the standards.
With this video series, teach teens and pre-teens how to manage their …
With this video series, teach teens and pre-teens how to manage their money and foster an entrepreneurial spirit. Visit PBS Learning Media site to download a handout, discussion questions, and view alignment to additional Washington learning standards.Permitted use from PBS Learning: Stream, Download and Share
*Please see link below for a detailed lesson plan document for this …
*Please see link below for a detailed lesson plan document for this lesson.
I want to use technology in a really useful way to make my math groups that would give me time to teach and support directly to my small groups and individuals.
I made a Google Form (Google Forms: for our district approved curriculum called Everyday Math ( Unit 2- Solving number stories. The pre/post test is 8-10 questions on the main teaching points from the Unit. The feedback from that would help me make my small groups before I start teaching the lesson.
I will use Google Classroom for each math group (or one main Classroom that I share through to each group) that I can push out work to for their practice after the whole group math lesson each day. It would function as a digital way of organizing and showing groups what they are doing, instead of the normal pocket chart or posted schedule in the classroom. This gives me more flexibility on changes throughout the week, and the ability to link in any online resources.
Small group work could consist of journal pages, hands-on game, IXL practice (, links to Khan Academy lessons (, Nearpod lessons/practice (, as well as many other math support websites, apps or hands-on practice. Groups would also meet with me throughout the week as part of the rotation (lower groups more often), but having small group activities ready to go will give groups who are not with me the independence to get work done effeciently each day. At the end of the unit, students will then take the same test, as a post-test to show growth.
I like the idea of doing this because if gives me an idea of where my students are before I start the unit. Using a pre-made, short form helps making the groups an easy process. Having a pre-made list of resources, helps make group work productive and successful.
Students in my class work through the Math Expressions curriculum. However, they …
Students in my class work through the Math Expressions curriculum. However, they need some enrichments. Students need more motivation and active, quick practice in regards to math fact fluency. So, I have found a few enrichment resources (mainly on-line) and ways to track student growth data while using the resources. This unit compiles the resources and will continue to be added to as I find more and more ideas throughout the years.
This lesson enables students to begin the process of mastering multiplication facts. …
This lesson enables students to begin the process of mastering multiplication facts. Students will use the Sphero Bolt to fluently practice multiplication facts.
This short video and interactive assessment activity is designed to teach second …
This short video and interactive assessment activity is designed to teach second graders about multiplication stories and illustrations i - word problems.
This Nrich activity gives children the opportunity to use, reinforce and extend …
This Nrich activity gives children the opportunity to use, reinforce and extend their knowledge of place value, multiples and times tables. It enables them to use their understanding of pattern and possibly their visualizing skills. This activity also offers an opportunity to discuss the strategies the children come up with - what is a good strategy for putting the number tiles back in the correct places as quickly as possible? What makes one strategy 'smarter' than another?
This third grade math unit is composed of two parts that I …
This third grade math unit is composed of two parts that I created. First, there are videos for the first six lessons of Math Expressions Unit 1 for Third Grade and their accompanying scripts. These videos can be posted to a site like Google Classroom so that students can work at their own pace while the teacher helps those who need their attention the most. Secondly, there is a formative assessment sheet for each lesson.
In this unit, children learn how to use a variety of math …
In this unit, children learn how to use a variety of math tools/strategies to solve problems. This unit lays the foundation for developing multiplication and division strategies.
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