Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students



The Michigan Educational Technology Competencies for Students (MITECS) focus on technology enhanced learning rather than on the use of technology tools. These MITECS encompass what are often referred to as “Next Generation Skills” or “21st Century Skills." 

Learn more about the MITECS

MITECS is the acronym for the Michigan Integrated Technology Competencies for Students. These competencies were released in December 2017 and replace the 2009 Michigan Educational Technology Standards for Students (METS-S). The MITECS focus on technology enhanced learning rather than on technology tools. The competencies are aligned with Michigan’s Top 10 in 10 focus area of Learner-Centered Supports by reflecting a learner-driven approach to empowering students. As learners progress through the age band articulation, they become active participants in determining and implementing their educational pursuits.  

The MITECS support learning in all content areas and allow for the integration of technology across content areas and grade levels. The focus for the competencies is on learning, harnessing the power of technology when appropriate. Technology is not seen as a standalone discipline, subject, or content area. Through the implementation of the MITECS, technology supports an integrated cross-curricular approach to learning. The competencies also support critical thinking, personalized learning, and deeper learning in all content areas. Additionally, the MITECS support rigor and depth in math and science.


In June 2017, stakeholders convened to revise the 2009 METS-S. This group considered several options including revising the existing standards, creating new standards, and adapting standards from other relevant sources. Ultimately, the stakeholders decided to adapt the 2016 International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students. The outcome of this adaptation was the development of the MITECS. Changing from standards to competencies was a key component of the MITECS adaptation. This modification allows for the move from a compliance driven model to one that supports transformational learning.

Learn More

More information about the MITECS can be found at the Michigan Department of Education website: http://www.techplan.org/mitecs/.

You can also learn more by contacting your REMC and collaborating with your REMC Instructional Technology Specialists. You can find your REMC contact information here: http://www.remc.org/