This course studies the interaction between law, courts, and social movements in …
This course studies the interaction between law, courts, and social movements in shaping domestic and global public policy. Examines how groups mobilize to use law to affect change and why they succeed and fail. The class uses case studies to explore the interplay between law, social movements, and public policy in current areas such as gender, race, labor, trade, environment, and human rights. Finally, it introduces the theories of public policy, social movements, law and society, and transnational studies.
Provides a basic understanding of legal issues that corporations meet during their …
Provides a basic understanding of legal issues that corporations meet during their existence. Follows one firm throughout its life; from birth to bankruptcy, first as a breakaway from an established high-tech firm, then proceeding through initial funding efforts, establishment of its capital and corporate structure, and through problems in labor, trade secrets, contracts and antitrust, product liability, and resolution of transnational and domestic business disputes. This course provides a basic understanding of legal issues that corporations face during their existence. The course starts by providing the basic building blocks of business law. We then follow a firm through its life cycle from its "breakaway" from an established firm through it going public. The materials covered during 15.647 (the first half of the semester) emphasize the organization and financing of the company. In the second half of the course we examine a broad array of law-sensitive issues relating to intellectual property, product development, M&A transactions, international trade, the duties of directors and officers, business disputes, and bankruptcy and reorganization. The goal of the course is not to impart technical legal skills, but to enhance the judgment which students will bring to their responsibilities as entrepreneurs, managers in established companies, or consultants and advisors. There are two take-home exercises, and no exams.
Introductory examination of the US law of intellectual property, with emphasis on …
Introductory examination of the US law of intellectual property, with emphasis on patents and copyrights, and a brief look at trademarks and trade secrets. Comparisons made with regard to what can and cannot be protected, what rights the owner does and does not obtain, and how these rights come into being. Issues relating particularly to new information technologies highlighted. Assignments include case and statutory readings, written preparatory exercises, and student case presentations.
During the last fifteen years, nations across the globe embarked on a …
During the last fifteen years, nations across the globe embarked on a historic transformation away from centrally planned economies to market-oriented ones. However, in the common pursuit for economic growth, these transition economies implemented widely different reform strategies with mixed results. With over a decade of empirical evidence now available, this new course examines this phenomenon that has pushed the discourse in a number of disciplines, requiring us to reconsider fundamental issues such as: - the proper relationship between business, government, and the public interest; - the possible synergies and tensions between economic growth and equity; and - how economic transition has reshaped cities. The premise of the course is that the primary issue in transition involves institution-building and re-building in different contexts.
This unit asks students to consider civil rights inside the prison as …
This unit asks students to consider civil rights inside the prison as they conduct a mock trial. By participating in a mock trial, students will not only learn about the litigation process, but will also learn about how democratic values and principles can be applied to specific situations, why people disagree on when and how they should be applied, and how the courts are important in providing a forum for contestation and resolution of such disputes and in ensuring that our commonly held values and principles are protected.
This Unit contains 6 lessons: Lesson 1: What is this case about? Lesson 2: Understanding the Evidence Lesson 3: Developing an Outline for the Case Lesson 4: Preparing for Trial Lesson 5: The Trial Lesson 6: Debrief and Reflection
This unit introduces students to the concept of civil rights litigation. It …
This unit introduces students to the concept of civil rights litigation. It asks students to consider how the litigation process reflects the fundamental values and principles of American constitutional government. By the end of this unit, students should be prepared to talk about how the civil litigation process reflects these values and principles and to describe civil rights litigation and its current scope. Lesson 1: What is Litigation? Lesson 2: What are the Steps of Litigation? Lesson 3: What is Civil Rights Litigation?
In this unit, students will participate in a mock trial that explores …
In this unit, students will participate in a mock trial that explores the rights and restrictions on individuals attempting to practice their own religion. Students will first familiarize themselves with the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act (“RFRA”), which was intended to further protect First Amendment rights. Students will then read and analyze case documents adapted from a real federal court case, Singh v. Carter, which involved a conflict between a soldier’s desire to exercise his religious practices and the U.S. Army’s interest in protecting its soldiers through uniform and safety requirements.
After learning about the relevant law and facts, students will participate in a mock trial that will allow them to use their knowledge to persuade judges to find either that the soldier’s religious practice is protected by RFRA, or that the Army has an overriding safety concern that forbids the soldier from exercising his religion. The mock trial allows students to assume roles as members of the plaintiff’s team, members of the defendant’s team, neutral judges, or impartial courtroom participants. This allows every student to have a substantive role in deciding or observing a dispute that remains pertinent today. Students engage in the authentic tasks of examining and weighing evidence, and using facts and evidence to formulate and present claims.
This Unit contains 7 lessons: Lesson 1: Religious Freedom Mock Trial Lesson 2: Articulating and Applying the Law Lesson 3: Understanding the Evidence Lesson 4: Developing a Theory of the Case Lesson 5: Preparing for Trial Lesson 6: The Trial Lesson 7: Debrief and Reflection
Introduction to the theoretical and practical sides of public policy controversies and …
Introduction to the theoretical and practical sides of public policy controversies and their resolution. Offers a multidisciplinary perspective on a wide range of difficult public policy disputes including racial and ethnic conflict, resource management disputes, and science-intensive policy disagreements such as those surrounding the disposal of nuclear waste, the nature of the risks associated with resource recovery plants, and the cultural impacts of hydroelectric development. Simulations, case studies, and role plays provide numerous opportunities for students to develop their own dispute handling capabilities.
This collection uses primary sources to explore the 1925 Scopes Trial. Digital …
This collection uses primary sources to explore the 1925 Scopes Trial. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee.
In an extremely controversial case, Wisconsin v. Loomis, a machine learning algorithm …
In an extremely controversial case, Wisconsin v. Loomis, a machine learning algorithm was used to assist a sentencing decision. This case has triggered an impassioned debate in the legal community regarding the proper use, if any, of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the justice system. In response to this case and advances in technology, the US Supreme Court and its justices are beginning to contemplate AI and more generally, technology's role, in influencing law.You will review three articles exploring the controversial case in Wisconsin and strong arguments for and against using artificial intelligence in the justice system. After reading the articles, you will answer short response questions and prepare for your class debate.
Subject provides a conceptual framework for thinking about taxes. Applications covered include …
Subject provides a conceptual framework for thinking about taxes. Applications covered include mergers and acquisitions, tax arbitrage strategies, business entity choice, executive compensation, multi-national tax planning, and others. Aimed at investment bankers and consultants who need to understand how taxes affect the structure of deals; managers and analysts who need to understand how firms strategically respond to taxes; and entrepreneurs who want to structure their finances in a tax-advantaged manner.
There are few ideas more sacred than the physical, emotional, and spiritual …
There are few ideas more sacred than the physical, emotional, and spiritual connections individuals have had with nature. The love of these beautiful landscapes has inspired countless generations to protect and preserve these lands and to make sure that the wild, untamed beauty will continue to awe future generations who have yet to come across their magnificence. On March 1, 1872, Yellowstone National Park was federally recognized as the countrys first protected area, 44 years before the National Park Service was founded in 1916. And with this first step, the conservation, culture, history, and preservation of parks and protected areas began. Not only do these parks and protected areas ensure the vitality of natural resources, but of historical and cultural resources as well. Constructing and defining the National Park Service as the revered organization that it is today was no easy task. While some individuals have used their talents to create and preserve the physical landscapephysically building the parks and developing policies and lawsothers have used their literary and artistic skills to showcase their beauty and history. No one person is the guardian or champion of these protected areaswith collaboration, vision, and connection to the land, we are part of the parks equally as the parks are part of ourselves. Created by Clemson University Libraries.
Examines a number of famous trials in European and American history. Considers …
Examines a number of famous trials in European and American history. Considers the salient issues (political, social, cultural) of several trials, the ways in which each trial was constructed and covered in public discussion at the time, the ways in which legal reasoning and storytelling interacted in each trial and in later retellings of the trial, and the ways in which trials serve as both spectacle and a forum for moral and political reasoning. Students have an opportunity to study one trial in depth and present their findings to the class.
Some controversies arise when our shared values and principles conflict with one …
Some controversies arise when our shared values and principles conflict with one another. Police “stop-and-frisk” policy is one such issue. In stop-and-frisk, police officers stop, question, and conduct a pat-down search of pedestrians or occupants of cars. This unit will allow students the opportunity to explore and evaluate this issue through a variety of nonfiction sources, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the authors’ arguments. The focus of this unit is on the close reading of texts, and on building and supporting an argument.
This Unit contains 4 lessons: Lesson 1: Stop-and-frisk Overview Lesson 2: Analysis of Court Opinion Lesson 3: Stop-and-frisk Evaluating the Positions Lesson 4: Stop-and-frisk Debate
Exploration of the changes and continuities in the lives of South Asian …
Exploration of the changes and continuities in the lives of South Asian women. Using gender as a lens, examine how politics of race, class, caste, and religion have affected women in South Asian countries, primarily in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Current debates within South Asian women's history illustrate the issues and problems that arise in re-writing the past from a gendered perspective. Primary documents, secondary readings, films, newspaper articles, and the Internet.
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