This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one …
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one …
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important aspects of the task and its potential use.
Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective uses annual reports of real companies to …
Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective uses annual reports of real companies to illustrate many of the accounting concepts in use in business today. Gaining an understanding of accounting terminology and concepts, however, is not enough to ensure your success. You also need to be able to find information on the Internet, analyze various business situations, work effectively as a member of a team, and communicate your ideas clearly. This text was developed to help you develop these skills.
: Fundamental mathematics for adult learners. Book 4 includes a Table of …
: Fundamental mathematics for adult learners. Book 4 includes a Table of Contents, Glossary, Grades Records, Self Tests, Practice Tests and Unit Tests. Ancillary Resources include the Instructor's Manual. This is 1 of a series of 6 books in the ABE Math collection.
: Fundamental mathematics for adult learners. Book 6 includes a Table of …
: Fundamental mathematics for adult learners. Book 6 includes a Table of Contents, Glossary, Grades Records, Self Tests, Practice Tests and Unit Tests. Ancillary Resources include the Instructor's Manual. This is 1 of a series of 6 books in the ABE Math collection.
These courses, produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, introduce the fundamental …
These courses, produced by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, introduce the fundamental concepts and approaches of aerospace engineering, highlighted through lectures on aeronautics, astronautics, and design. MIT˘ďď_s Aerospace and Aeronautics curriculum is divided into three parts: Aerospace information engineering, Aerospace systems engineering, and Aerospace vehicles engineering. Visitors to this site will find undergraduate and graduate courses to fit all three of these areas, from Exploring Sea, Space, & Earth: Fundamentals of Engineering Design to Bio-Inspired Structures
A work in progress, CK-12's Algebra I Second Edition is a clear …
A work in progress, CK-12's Algebra I Second Edition is a clear presentation of algebra for the high school student. Topics include: Equations and Functions, Real Numbers, Equations of Lines, Solving Systems of Equations and Quadratic Equations.
CK-12 Foundation's Algebra I Teacher's Edition FlexBook complements CK-12's Algebra I Student …
CK-12 Foundation's Algebra I Teacher's Edition FlexBook complements CK-12's Algebra I Student Edition. The solution and assessment guides are available upon request.
CK-12 Foundation's Basic Algebra FlexBook is an introduction to the algebraic topics …
CK-12 Foundation's Basic Algebra FlexBook is an introduction to the algebraic topics of functions, equations, and graphs for middle-school and high-school students.
The main objective of this lesson is to illustrate an important application …
The main objective of this lesson is to illustrate an important application of mathematics in practical life -- namely in art. Most of the pictures selected for this lesson are visible on the walls of Al-Hambra – Granada (Spain), which is one of the most important landmarks in the Islamic civilization. There are three educational goals for this lesson: (1) establishing the concept of isometries; (2) giving real-life examples of groups; (3) demonstrating the importance of matrices and their applications. As background for this lesson, students just need some familiarity with the concept of a group and a limited knowledge about matrices and the inverse of a non-singular matrix.
Students explore the interface between architecture and engineering. In the associated hands-on …
Students explore the interface between architecture and engineering. In the associated hands-on activity, students act as both architects and engineers by designing and building a small parking garage.
This course is an arithmetic course intended for college students, covering whole …
This course is an arithmetic course intended for college students, covering whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and proportions, geometry, measurement, statistics, and integers using an integrated geometry and statistics approach. The course uses the late integers modelintegers are only introduced at the end of the course.
The purpose of this learning video is to show students how to …
The purpose of this learning video is to show students how to think more freely about math and science problems. Sometimes getting an approximate answer in a much shorter period of time is well worth the time saved. This video explores techniques for making quick, back-of-the-envelope approximations that are not only surprisingly accurate, but are also illuminating for building intuition in understanding science. This video touches upon 10th-grade level Algebra I and first-year high school physics, but the concepts covered (velocity, distance, mass, etc) are basic enough that science-oriented younger students would understand. If desired, teachers may bring in pendula of various lengths, weights to hang, and a stopwatch to measure period. Examples of in- class exercises for between the video segments include: asking students to estimate 29 x 31 without a calculator or paper and pencil; and asking students how close they can get to a black hole without getting sucked in.
In this lesson, the students will discover the relationship between an object's …
In this lesson, the students will discover the relationship between an object's mass and the amount of space it takes up (its volume). The students will also learn about the concepts of displacement and density.
This Nrich problem fits in well with counting and skip-counting (counting by …
This Nrich problem fits in well with counting and skip-counting (counting by twos etc.) and can be solved by physically modeling the biscuits and decorations with whatever objects are convenient. It is a good opportunity for children to choose the way they represent the problem in order to solve it. It may also be appropriate to introduce vocabulary such as "multiple".
Students revisit the mathematics required to find bone mineral density, to which …
Students revisit the mathematics required to find bone mineral density, to which they were introduced in lesson 2 of this unit. They learn the equation to find intensity, Beer's law, and how to use it. Then they complete a sheet of practice problems that use the equation.
Students examine an image produced by a cabinet x-ray system to determine …
Students examine an image produced by a cabinet x-ray system to determine if it is a quality bone mineral density image. They write in their journals about what they need to know to be able to make this judgment. Students learn about what bone mineral density is, how a BMD image can be obtained, and how it is related to the x-ray field. Students examine the process used to obtain a BMD image and how this process is related to mathematics, primarily through logarithmic functions. They study the relationship between logarithms and exponents, the properties of logarithms, common and natural logarithms, solving exponential equations and Beer's law.
This learning video is designed to develop critical thinking in students by …
This learning video is designed to develop critical thinking in students by encouraging them to work from basic principles to solve a puzzling mathematics problem that contains uncertainty. Materials for in-class activities include: a yard stick, a meter stick or a straight branch of a tree; a saw or equivalent to cut the stick; and a blackboard or equivalent. In this video lesson, during in-class sessions between video segments, students will learn among other things: 1) how to generate random numbers; 2) how to deal with probability; and 3) how to construct and draw portions of the X-Y plane that satisfy linear inequalities.
This lesson will give students an idea of what to expect when …
This lesson will give students an idea of what to expect when they head to the computer lab. It begins with a brief discussion introducing them to computer lab manners, then they will progress into using a computer to complete online puzzles.
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